Saturday, January 24, 2009

Life is a test match

Life is a test match

- It’s a long game with more than one innings. Love, dream job, goals, etc. lost once, can be regained later.
- You need not play shot on each ball. Some balls are better avoided. Not all problems need to be solved. Some are better left to time.
- You can’t predict the outcome of the match at the end of the first day itself. Mahatma Gandhi was just a lawyer at 25.
- No need to look at the scoreboard after each ball. If you keep doing your best, things will take care of them.
- Patience is at least as important as technique (intelligence).
- Boundaries do come. Opportunities do come, continually.
- You won’t be able to score big single handedly, every time. It’s a team game.
- Still, if you perform well, you shall be noticed, even if you lose the game.
- In the end, most important is the fun you had in playing.

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